Dan Zalles
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DAN ZALLES is a singer, songwriter, music and video producer, guitarist, bass player, trumpet player, member of multiple bands, and forever music lover.
Some of his songs have received accolades. THE SUN'S STILL SHINING ON ME appears in Christian Elder's movie THE BIG MEET. POLYUNSATURATED won Honorable Mention (3rd place) in the International Songwriting Competition's Best Instrumentals category. THE LANE MEANT FOR ME is slated for a major Hollywood film.
Dan has produced 5 solo albums and 5 albums with bands. Most are available on danzallesmusic.com and music platforms. He's produced 20 music videos for his YouTube channel and has performed concerts with The Dinosaurs (a San Francisco all-stars band) and Chris Isaak. Contact Dan (danzallesmusic@gmail.com) if you want notifications of his releases and performances.